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Thursday 30 April 2015

5 Ways To Convince Google That Your Brand Is Relevant

If it is not on Google, it does not exist.  Whether it’s news, weather, gossip, tips, song lyrics, and even video scandals, Google is everyone’s go-to-guy.  Google is also the one thing that brands and companies want to impress.  Google search is like the arena and the top search results are like the winners’ podium.
Image via Pinterest
Image via Pinterest
A brand should be way up there in the search results for consumers to know they exist, they matter, they can be trusted, and they mean business. If they don’t figure in the first page of results, chances are consumers won’t even sample their content and the products or services they offer.  A research by search marketing specialist Group M Search revealed that an overwhelming 86% consider search engines like Google and Bing as very important in their purchasing process.  This means that if search engines do not find your content relevant and authoritative, your audience will also find it more difficult to find you.
More Than Words
In content marketing, writing with keywords is crucial.   However, remember that Google is not just about “words” but “meaning.”  The new Google relevance algorithm was significantly changed with the introduction of “Hummingbird,” a codename for a system of algorithm that de-emphasizes specific keywords in favor of semantic meaning.  This simply means that the inferred meaning of the query is more important than the words themselves.  Yes, Google has the capacity to interpret what you really mean even if searches are not phrased well.
Google also enhanced its “Knowledge Graph” and it is now attempting to answer questions whenever possible.  This means that Google is no longer just minding traffic but also providing content.
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In an episode of “The Baer Facts,” Kyle Lacy of ExactTarget talked about how these changes could affect a content marketing strategy.  For one, this means an end in the era of keywords and the beginning of the age of intent and meaning.  This is consistent with Google’s objective of making searches more people-oriented.  Google likes content that people are going to like as well.
For Google to prioritize your content, it’s time to stop obsessing about keywords and start making content that answers questions, explains data, and solves problems.  In short, if you want to rank in Google searches, make content that matters.
Relevance Matters
Ranking is based on relevance.  Make sure that Google understands what your website and content are all about because Google produces results that are relevant to a search.  Write your content in a language that your consumers use so when they can search you easily and generate for your brand a high Google relevance score.
Aside from content and language, another Google relevance factor is the structure of a website.  Build it in such a way that it is logical so Google will understand your content better and what your brand is about.  So the next time consumers search about “bags,” Google will instantly find your website relevant to endorse.
It would also help if content marketers stay on the loop when it comes to the trending news events.  For example, if it is Christmas and everyone’s searching for “best Christmas gifts,” you might want to do something related to that.
A Matter Of Trust
When it’s from CNN or Time, we don’t question it.  These are authorities and we simply believe them.  Google believe them too.
Google assumes that people link to sites.  Using Page Rank, Google takes all the links and starts ranking.  Show Google that your brand is to be trusted by getting more people to link to your website.  This improves your trust factor and subsequently your Google ranking.  The more websites link to your website, the sexier your website looks in the eyes of Google.
In the same way, don’t draw links from low-quality websites that can make your brand look cheap and mediocre.  Stay on the “good link neighborhood” because that’s how Google ranks your page.
Publish Just Enough Content
How much content does a content marketer need to publish for Google to take notice?  There is no hard and fast rule as far as this is concerned.  What is sure is you would want to publish some content consistently.
Know your audience and your competitors. Determine how much content you need to keep up with your customers and stay competitive.  It is also good to know where you stand. If you are secured in your position, a few quality pieces a week will do.
Two things to remember: do not produce more than you can handle and don’t publish content that is downright shitty.
Reach Out
Look up online which websites publish similar content and have high traffic.  Get in touch with the contributors and producers of the website and offer them quality content from your website then ask for link.  This is the outreach strategy which is one of the most effective ways to foster link building and improving your Google relevance ranking.  This will put you in the loop with influencers and thought leaders which in turn enhances your credibility as a brand. This should result in higher traffic for your site.
You ask: how are ranking and relevancy determined by Google?  Google search is no longer just a traffic cop but it is working on understanding human queries better.  The magic of using keywords for a better search engine optimization is probably still there but to convince Google that you have quality content means you have to provide meaning and intention to every word.
It is true then that content is king and the type of content you produce affects how Google perceives your company.  So stop trying to be so technical about your Google score.  Produce content that your readers want, not just what you are trying to rank for.  Google does not care about your company; it cares for its searchers.  Make Google look good by publishing good content and it will repay you with a rank that will also make you feel good.

source :  business2community

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