
FOSSASIA - THE PERFECT TECHNOLOGY BLOG... We are Fossasia Technologies, we are trying to provide you all the latest information about Information Technology, Best Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Technique. We are doing research on the daily basis to provide you all the best technique for SEO so that you can use them on your projects to get high ranks on the SERP(Search Engine Result Page). These techniques are the best techniques through which you can get organic traffic from all the search engines on your website. We are Fossasia Technologies providing latest news about IT Field.

Saturday 27 June 2015

Relationship between Digital Marketing and SEO

The Real Relationship between Digital Marketing and SEO

Digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) are two entities that have separate definitions and have different functions. But many consider them similar, as they both complement each other and each cannot work on their own. An SEO agency is hired by businesses to boost their internet site in order to improve their position in search engine ranking. These SEO agencies would use numerous tools to achieve the desired result to become a known entity in the cyber world. SEO in reality is a subset of digital marketing and there are many who would determine SEO expert as someone who integrates and uses digital marketing and SEO practices to accomplish their targets.

Key Differences

Digital marketing and SEO share many similar characteristics and in many cases share the same skills. An SEO specialist has the expertise, knowledge and experience to enhance the website with unique features to increase traffic and revenue to the potential online business. Whereas, a digital marketing manager may actually operate with an SEO expert in an advertising campaign to enhance a company’s overall exposure using electronically centred media. Digital marketers use SEO as a tool to attract potential customers towards the potential businesses. Thus, making it an important part of digital marketing. There are many strategies shared by SEO specialists and digital marketing experts by incorporating a number of marketing practices such as email marketing, content promoting, social media marketing, and mobile marketing.
According to Abacus Marketing, digital marketing experts have the advantage of having a few other alternatives at their disposal such as billboards, text, TV, or perhaps radio resources. These entities are so similar that in most instances they overlap significantly. However, the SEO expert is concerned with increasing the overall traffic of potential customers to the websites and digital marketing specialist is concerned with increasing the websites exposure and presence to the clients.

Integrating DM and SEO
There is no doubt that the whole online cyber space is in a state of constant change. Integrating digital marketing and SEO is of utmost importance for the new trend to follow. Technology is becoming advanced and search engines are being updated constantly. The SEO specialist has to keep up with new trends. Among the latest changes in SEO techniques would be the incorporation involving digital advertising and marketing. The revolutionary term which is promising and is emerging from this transition is search marketing integration (SMI). The more the SEMs embrace new technology and broaden their horizon by perfecting the specifics and techniques the more they can measure their brand sentiment, written content and relevance. This is likely to change the whole organization’s method for approaching sales, marketing, and everything else for that matter.

The New SMI
We have seen numerous components that were altered in the last few years with regard to SEO and digital marketing and have blurred the lines between these two entities. As these two are wildly similar with singular goals, they are being integrated into a single, engaging strategy. This new search marketing integration is the revolutionary new technique that can essentially be more effective at meeting overall marketing objectives as well as working together to increase the traffic of the business. SMI uses both the integration of online SEO practices with online and offline digital marketing strategies. This will result in increased ROI and bring a more sophisticated and professional presence to customers.

In summary, the relationship between these two entities should not be daunting to each other. SEO provides the businesses with required keywords and content that would help them rank higher, thus helping digital marketers in giving their sites the exposure that would help them increase traffic and sales. These two entities work in sync; both produce relevant content and share it out through common social media platforms. Both believe in serving the customers with quality educational and informational content and make them coming back for more. Optimizing SEO and digital marketing techniques would help them in retaining the viewers.
Source : http://tech.co/digital-marketing-seo-2015-06

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