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Monday 20 July 2015

Headaches and migraines cause individualized pain with only streamlined treatments

Headaches and migraines cause individualized pain with only streamlined treatments

Types of headaches

The two main categorizations for headaches are primary and secondary. Primary headaches the most common and are not caused by an underlying illness. These include migraines, tension and cluster headaches. An injury or a serious medical issue, like a concussion, stroke or aneurysm, is what causes secondary headaches. 

Tension headaches are the most common type, and often feel like a vice around the head, according to Christy Young, neurologist at North Colorado Medical Center. These are headaches that can be worked through, as the pain is not as severe. 

Cluster headaches are associated with a stabbing pain in one location, like the eye, which then causes eye and nose watering. Young said these headaches are less frequent and though intense in pain, often can disappear for months at a time. 

Though there are several subtypes of migraines as well, Young said a high percentage of migraines are stress induced, disruptive to daily activities and bring about different symptoms, like light and sound sensitivity. Migraines can occur on both or one side of the head. 

According to the Migraine Research Foundation, most migraine sufferers only have a few attacks per month, but about 3 percent of the U.S. suffers form chronic migraines, where at least 15 days of the month are afflicted. 

Another type of headache is a rebound headache, which is caused by overuse of pain medication to treat headaches. When people are using pain remedies daily and repeatedly throughout the day, Young said they see an increase in the number of headaches they get.
Words from a Girl . . . When I get a headache, I lose a day. 

Sometimes, I can feel the pain coming before it really hits. I have trouble focusing on easy tasks. Then, it starts to feel like my brain is a little too big for my head. When this hits, I have about 30 minutes to treat the pain or else I’m useless. 

Once the headache kicks in, there’s nothing I can do but find a dark, quiet room and wait it out. The quiet is important. Something as simple as a dog barking next door sounds like a firework screaming skyward. The thumping bass of a car feels like an earthquake between my temples. The glow of a lamp looks like the sun exploding. 

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, more than 45 million Americans suffer from chronic and recurring headache pain. About 29 million Americans suffer from migraines, according to the 2006 American Migraine Prevalence and Prevention Study. The World Health Organization estimates nearly half the global population has suffered at least one headache in the past year. 

I suffer from chronic headaches. They hurt so badly, they often bring tears to my eyes. Numerous doctor visits, home remedies and thousands of ibuprofen tablets later, I’m no closer to living pain free. I usually have at least one of these mind-splitting headaches per week. Sometimes, they last for days. I’m know I’m not alone. 

The biggest obstacle to headache relief is everyone’s pain is different. Millions of people, millions of headaches and billions of potential causes leave some stuck in an ocean of Tylenol and temple-rubbing. Countless people suffer through recurring headaches and migraines without relief and without knowing why.
There are causes and cures. But they don’t work for everyone. And that’s what really hurts. 

Causes of migraines and headaches 

Every person has different triggers for headaches or migraines. Amanda Hill, a pediatrician at the Kaiser Permanente Greeley Medical Offices, said it is important to identify individual triggers to pinpoint treatment options. She said some of the biggest triggers can be vision, stress, diet and hydration. Hill asks her patients to keep headache diaries to help identify these causes. The diary entry for each headache includes the duration, intensity, a description of the feeling, treatment, food eaten, amount of water drank and activity levels. 

“Prevention is key,” she said, adding these diaries have been helpful with identifying the specific causes of headaches. 

Even the weather is an issue. Christy Young, neurologist at North Colorado Medical Center, said she believes there is a link between weather and headaches. 

“The theory is, yes, there’s definitely something to it with the weather,” she said. “Anecdotally, people definitely feel like they have an increase in migraines with weather change.” 

Migraines tend to run in families as well, according to the Migraine Research Foundation. There is a 40 percent chance a child will inherit migraines from one parent. That chance increases to 90 percent if both parents suffer from migraines. 

The foundation also reports women are three times more likely than men to suffer from migraines, likely due to the direct link between migraines and estrogen. Up to one third of women suffer from migraines during their lifetime. 

According to the American Anxiety and Depression Association, people who suffer from migraines often also suffer from anxiety and/or depression at significantly higher rates than those who don’t have migraines.
“Emotional stress in general seems to run very, very, very high with migraine sufferers,” Young said. 

An article on the American Headache Society’s Committee for Headache Education said people who suffer from migraines can be up to two to five times more likely to have anxiety or depression symptoms. There is no clear pattern to which came first, the migraine or the mental disorder, but Young said she believes there is some degree of causation between the two. 

“If I can’t get people to decrease their headaches, a lot of times, I’ll stop and talk with them, and say, ‘Well, are you depressed?’” she said. 

Treatment options 

For people suffering from migraines and severe headaches, Young said there are two main types of treatment: rescue and preventative. 

Rescue is treating an existing headache by administering a prescription drug, like a triptan, which alleviates pain by narrowing blood vessels. Caffeine is also often used for rescue because it also narrows the blood vessels in the brain. 

Preventative drugs are used when a patient has more than four migraines a month, Young said. These prescriptions can include beta-blockers, seizure medications or antidepressants, among others. 

For chronic migraine sufferers, a more intense therapy like Botox injections every three months may be used. Young said she has seen a good response rate in her patients. 

But not every treatment works for every patient. Botox treatments may be cost-prohibitive because not all insurances cover them. While some may get relief from caffeine, others’ headaches are worsened by it. Some prescription options are simply not viable. For example, when I was given a prescription for my headaches, I was warned it would likely make me dizzy and drowsy. I had to choose between being unable to function from a headache or a pill. 

It’s situations like these that make patients, like me, feel like they have no option but to live with prohibitive pain. 

Treatment for children 

Headaches are one of the most common reasons for pediatric visits, Hill said. She has seen children start to suffer from headaches as young as preschool age. 

According to the National Headache Foundation, 20 percent of children 5-17 years old are prone to headaches, with 5 percent of these kids suffering from migraines. 

One of the biggest causes for these headaches is impaired vision. When a child comes to Hill’s office complaining of a headache, she always recommends an eye exam. Another prominent cause is not eating well during the day. Eating healthy meals, avoiding caffeine and drinking plenty of water are all important tips for children with headaches. Stress in children is also a common cause. Hill said it is important for her to try and find the root of the problem with kids because she wants to find the simplest, healthiest solution. 

“The biggest thing for kids is that most of the time, kids don’t want to take medicines, parents don’t want their kids to be on medicines and as a pediatrician, I don’t want my patients to be on medicines,” she said.
The head bone’s connected to the backbone 

Headaches are the second most common reason people seek care at Weld Family Clinic of Chiropractic, according to owner and chiropractor Erik Sorbo. 

“The biggest question is: What’s causing the headaches? If it’s coming from the spine, if it’s coming from the nervous system, if we find evidence of that, there’s a good possibility that chiropractic care can help,” he said. 

Because the spinal cord carries signals from the brain to the rest of the body, any misalignment or stuck joints in the back can impede that communication and impact headaches. Sorbo said chiropractors can use gentle spine adjustment to release these joints and help alleviate head pain. Most often, these problem areas will be in the neck. 

“The No. 1 thing is headaches are never normal. Pain is never normal,” Sorbo said. 

Sorbo said chiropractic care is becoming more and more a viable option for headache treatment because people aren’t finding lasting relief with over the counter pain relievers. 

“Like I always say, headaches aren’t caused by a Tylenol deficiency,” he said. 

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For as long as I can remember, headaches have been a part of my life. 

I can’t recall a time before they started. My mom and brothers suffer from them as well. None of us has found the answer to the problem though we all have gotten different advice from doctors.
Every time someone makes a suggestion for a new remedy, whether it’s crushing up ibuprofen and drinking it in a soda or rubbing essential oils on my temples, I jump to try it. Sometimes, I feel a little relief. Sometimes, I think I would have been better off not experimenting. 

I’ve learned to live with my chronic headaches though I still hope I will someday find a treatment that helps. In the meantime, I will just turn off the lights and hope the dogs stop barking.
Source : greeleytribune

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